Our succession planning services ensure a smooth transition of ownership.
One of the keys to your business’s longevity is ensuring a smooth transition of ownership during your lifetime or at death. Choosing a successor to run the business you've worked so hard to build could be a very easy task or it could prove to be an extremely difficult decision for you.
Things in life happen and unless you have a comprehensive plan to deal with the unexpected, the business you worked so hard to build could crumble if you become disabled, die, get divorced or decide to split with your business partner.
Our team will meet with you to discuss your goals and objectives for the company, evaluate leaders within your company, and discuss replacement outside the company. We can help you build ways to hand down your business, while retaining the level of control you want and prioritizing your personal wealth goals.
Investments managed by KS Bank’s Trust Department are: Not Insured by FDIC or Any Other Government Agency | Not Bank Guaranteed | Not Bank Deposits or Obligations | May Lose Value